Year End Eligibility Post 2017

So it’s that time of year again, where some of us are trying to catch up on the stories that we’ve missed in the last 12 months. As it happens, I’ve had two stories come out in 2017 that I’m quite proud of.

The first is “A Place to Grow” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

“She knew what the rational decision was. She understood that letting this world go was the safer choice.


There was a small, insistent part of her that wouldn’t let her give up so easily.”

The second is “Listen and You’ll Hear Us Speak” in Flash Fiction Online.

‘“I have what you’ve lost,” you whisper in my ear when I serve you your drink, all sugar, all lies. “We’re going to be good friends.”’

I’m also looking for recommendations! What have you read this year that you’ve enjoyed?

New Story is Up at Flash Fiction Online

Won’t lie, publication days are awesome. Technically, “Listen and You’ll Hear Us Speak” went live yesterday, but I was too brain fried last night to be trusted with stringing words together into coherent sentences. So here we are.

This very short story was an experiment to see if I could weave two parallel story lines with two separate points of view into a cohesive whole in a thousand words. I think it worked.

The song that was on repeat while I was writing/revising this story was “My Medea” by Vienna Teng.

Hope you enjoy!